Friday, April 1, 2011

Southern Fried

Those who know me well know that I am about as country as homemade pickles.  That translates to a deep and abiding love of fried foods.  If it walks, crawls, swims, or shoots up from the ground, I have probably dipped it in cornmeal and thrown it into the deep-fryer.  If I could figure out how to get the batter to stick on a trailer hitch, I would think about dropping it into hot peanut oil and giving it a go.
But I don’t do that, at least not very often.  At least 90% of the time I am walking the straight and narrow path of grilled this and baked that.  I do this because I am not extremely interested in having any more arteries clogging up and having to get them roto-rootered or worse.  I have never been confused with being the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I can tell you that I have seen the light and I am definitely with the program.

I said 90% of the time; that’s because if I want to have my momma’s fried chicken (best in the land) when she comes to visit, I do.  It’s a non-deal to stray a bit on rare occasions.  Sometimes we beat ourselves up so much for those departures, it derails all of our best efforts.

Remember, there is no perfect.  Adhering to your plan 90% of the time will get you to where you want to be without driving you crazy.  The weight loss industry has purposefully, in my opinion, tried to heap guilt on anyone who deviates an inch from the “ideal” plan.  I think we should lighten up a bit.  Life is too short and there are too many other things to stress over without the added weight of moaning over a chicken leg once every blue moon.

This is not an open invitation to move the 90% needle to 75% or 50%.  If you see that you are going down that slope, pull up, call me and let’s get back to the plan.
Please comment on the concept of the 90-10 rule and how that can ease some of the frustration that comes with making significant changes in food choices.

See you soon,

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